Full-time academics

Wang Xiangrui


Wang Xiangrui

Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: wangxr1020@ruc.edu.cn

Research direction

Resource Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics

Published results

Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/xiangrui-wang/home

Published papers: [1] Testing the behavior of rationally inattentive consumers in a residential water market, by Xiangrui Wang, Jukwan Lee, Jia Yan, and Gary D. Thompson, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (Accepted)

Working paper: [1] Divestiture may fail as a merger remedy:  The case of the U.S. beer industry, by Xiangrui Wang, Ron C. Mittelhammer, Thomas L. Marsh, and Jill J. McCluskey

Educational experience

Ph.D., Department of Economics, Washington State University, 2018

M.S., Department of Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, University of Arizona, 2014

Bachelor, Department of Trade and Economics, Chongqing Technology and Business University, 2011