Full-time academics

Kong Xiangwen


Kong Xiangwen

Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development

Job Title: Teacher Postdoctoral Fellow

Email: xwkong@ruc.edu.cn

Research direction

Main research fields: (1) Behavioral economics, including the impact of individual behavioral preferences on the implementation of public goods and the use of natural resources; (2) Policy analysis, including the impact of intellectual property protection policies on industrial innovation, international trade, etc.; ( 3) Agricultural enterprises, including the impact of competition among food enterprises in rural areas on enterprise pricing strategies and food prices.

Published results

[1] Metin Çakir*; Xiangwen Kong; Clare Cho; Alexander Stevens; Rural Food Retailing and Independent Grocery Retailer Exits, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2020, 102(5): 1352-1367.

[2] Pamela Smith; Xiangwen Kong*; Intellectual Property Rights and Trade: The Exceptional Case of GMOs, The World Economy, 2021, published on 2 Sept 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.13194.

[3] Chengyan Yue*; Manlin Cui; Xiangwen Kong; Eric Watkins; Mike Barnes; Landscape Irrigation

and Water Conservation in Urban Areas: An Analysis of Information-based Strategies, HortTechnology, 2022,32(2): 213-225.

[4] Xiangwen Kong; Liufang Su; Heng Wang; Huanguang Qiu*; Agricultural carbon footprint and food security: An assessment of multiple carbon mitigation strategies in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, Accepted.

Research subject

Selected Working Papers:

[1] Do People Care about Others’ Contribution to Public Goods? An Estimate Based on Inequity Aversion Model

[2] The Effectiveness of Intertemporal Water Restrictions: A Perspective from Consumer Strategy Model

[3] Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences for Hydroponic Lettuce Irrigated with Reclaimed Water

Educational experience

2021 Ph.D. in Applied Economics, School of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

2015 Applied Economics, B.S., School of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota Twin Cities